What are the game rules of climate change?

Experience the project day “Climate rules” and go through one century to save the planet in just 4 hours!

The rules are given

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times. Rules of the game are based on the prediction models from climate scientists. You have to ack to stop the global warming.

Develop your Skills for 21st century

You will practise all 4C skills – creativity, critical thinking, cooperation and communication.

Redefine the success

Climate change brings new business opportunities. The winners of the game must act responsibly and have to invent new sustainable business models.

Discover Technology

Smart and sustainable investment into Hydrogen technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous driving, Nanotechnology, Bio-informatics, can help you to tackle the climate change.

Game on! Save the Planet A

Your 4 hours are 100 years for the planet. Be aware there isn’t planet B.

What we do in the next few years will profoundly affect the next few thousand years

Sir David Attenborough

We see this need and feel the responsibility – our answer is “Climate rules!”. Kids and young people need to be motivated to discover their own potential, experience new technologies and build sustainable businesses, which could solve the climate issues.

Become a Partner and help us unleash the potential of the young generation

We are looking for all kind of partners from the fields of founding, technological mentoring, etc. Join the community and make a huge impact.